Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Assignment 4a- Response to "Brainwashed"

Acknowledging the Lizard
     This layer discuses that urge that people sometimes (or often) feel which tells them to avoid being embarrassed, seen messing up, or doing the wrong thing according to someone else standards.  In this layer Seth Godin encourages people to let this feeling go.  It is ok that we mess up a few times here and there, and it is not worth letting someone else bring you down for something that they feel you messed up on, whether that be an assignment or the way you are as a person.  He reminds us that it is important to acknowledge this feeling, but never let it effect us from accomplishing our goals.

    This layer is all about the importance to always be learning no matter what we do, now or in the future.  Seth Explains that without this step, non of the other steps mean anything at all.

    I feel that this layer speaks to me more than the others because I love to learn.  I may not have the best studying habits but I honestly do love to learn.  And I agree 100% that whatever we do in our futures is going to require us to constantly be learning.  My current job that I have when ever I go back home is one that you could never know everything to.  I am an employee at a small specialty seafood market and I do a lot of everything, cutting fish, taking orders, bringing in shippments, calling in orders for shipments, stocking, creating beautiful looking seafood tray's for customers, and putting up over sized Christmas trees that are literally two stories tall.  I am pretty sure that I learn multiple new things everyday that I work there. 

    These two layers link exactly to what we do on this blog.  Acknowledging the Lizard can be translated into acknowledging the fact that everything I post on this blog is viewable to anyone.  People might look at this stuff and think its silly, but I've learned to say fuck it.  First of all its required of me to pass the class so of coarse I need to just do it, and second it's really not that bad.  Which brings me to my next point, I have already learned so many useful things from dealing with this pain in the ass blog.  I did not look forward to doing the first audio blog assignment at all, I thought it was stupid and frustrating because I had to download new stuff to record myself on and sign up to a website so I could post audio.  But I figured it all out and it feels pretty damn rewarding to know all of that stuff. 

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