Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog assignment 8b

          This critique is of Dr. Owen and Mr. Rib.  For these two pictures, I think that it would be most appropriate to talk about lighting.  The first and most noticeable thing about the two images is that Mr. Rib has a shaded background while Dr. Owen has a white back ground.  Even if the characters were not in the pictures, it would be clear which background belonged to who. This sets the mood right form the beginning. I really like how Mr. Rip has a shadow down the left side of his body.  I think that it really adds a lot to the character's shadiness.   As far as symbolism goes, not much needs to be said.  Mr. Rib is a cigarette maybe even one of them marijuana cigarettes.  And Dr. Owen is a swell looking fellow in a suit.  In the video,  Mr. Rib knocks out Dr. Owen and then the audience reads don't do drugs. So there you go for that one.

      Next up is the flying turtle vs. Peggy.  I'm going to use the animation for this one and talk about movement.  Unfortunately Peggy's  animation and picture are not up so it will be mostly about the flying turtle.  The thing that is emphasized most is weight.  The turtle is flying (imagine that) at an upwards angle, with the building there on the right, it helps to establish relativity.  After the flying turtle grabs the first civilian, they are dropped and another display of weight is shown.  Overlapping movement is shown when the turtle flies into the building.  I remember enough about peggy to remember that there was much contrast between the two.  Peggy was very raggedy and the turtle is colorful and pretty clean around the edges.    In the animation, the flying turtle has word bubbles and through his dialog, he didactically tells the audience that he is not the greatest hero, like when he drops the first person and says at least i saved one.
      This could not have worked out more perfect.  The character names are not posted but it is the rainbow guy, and the guy who is trying to get rid of all color.  so I am going to talk about color for this one, the one i have not mentioned yet.

blog assignment 9b


blog assignment 9a

      One of the weaknesses that our our game/presentation had was that once you got to the safe haven, we didn't talk about what would happen next.  In our meetings, we threw around a few ideas about how the first few "safe havens" that you located turned out to be just rumors because it turned out that they were not fortified enough from the outside forces (i.e zombies, mercenaries who no longer care, or even an internal uprising that caused the safe haven to become unstable).  With this in mind, when the player got to the end of the game and found a safe haven that really worked, it wood be under attack by zombies.   So our climax/boss fight of the game would have been you showing up in mid siege and you you join the resistance to prevent the breach by the zombies so that this safe haven doesn't turn out like the other ones that were destroyed.  Like I said, the ideas were mentioned but they never made it into the presentation and that cost us some points.

For this next point, I would really like to talk about a strength that I felt our game had.  I'm sure I could find another weakness but Id rather go deeper into my motivation to make this game have a lot of choices for the player to explore.  We mentioned that our game had many ways for the player to customize your character, such as skills, looks, types of weapons the carried and how they interacted with NPCs and their environment.  This was really important to me because when I play video games, this is what I look for a lot. Many great games do not have this, and I own a good number of them.  But when ever I name of games that i consider to be my favorite, its games that give the player this option.  Not only does it allow for the player to feel like they have a lot of control over the game, but it allows for replay and experimentation to be very enjoyable.  

In my opinion, the rules of the game are the most difficult to discuss.  I think this because the rules are what bind the game.  In my game design class, we learned that a great game is one that keeps the player deeply engaged for as long as possible without things that appear that remind the player that it is only a game.  Since rules are what limit the player from going certain places and restrict the player from doing exactly what they want, they often break that deep engagement and remind the player that their is a controller in their hands.  Good games will have their game worlds and characters governed by rules that do not fell restrictive.  Game play, choices, environments, etc. should all mask the rules so that the player is tricked into thinking that the game is much bigger than it is (because lets be honest, games must have restrictions so that the project can be completed with reasonable resources).

Blog assignment 8a

Blog assignment 7a

The video joke turned out great in my opinion.  There was a lot of work involved in the process, but I will admit that the completion of them was very rewarding.  Both videos were shot in the same house with the same to actors/actresses, but they are clearly two completely different ways to portray the same joke.  The first film is a silent film that is designed to use music and expression to tell the story.  Even though the dialog is shown in text, it was still important for us to make sure the point of the joke got across without it.  The second movie was shot as documentary of sorts about a boy and his mom.  It did not take as much visually because the driving force and humor all came from the audio which was a voice over narration that my friend did for me. 

The focus for the first video was to really establish a rhythm that would flow throughout the entire film.  In one of the first shots, we should a sink dripping at the rhythm that we wanted and then the music takes the music carries the rhythm throughout the rest.  In the documentary film, the slow Morgan Freeman-like voice that my friend did established a bit of a rhythm.  The silent film also dealt with a lot of lines.  Our cinematographer made sure that each shot used actual and virtual lines as much as he could.

For the documentary style film, we had the son and the mom where contrasting colors.  The son was wearing a dark red shirt and the mom had on light blue.  We had hoped that this would make the sun to appear a bit more fiery and the mom to have a calm and soothing aura. 

Both films use didactic thinking, the documentary has the narrator telling you about the feelings of each characters, and the silent film has text that even uses exclamation points to tell the audience the mood.  But if you were to consider the silent film without all of the text, I think that the expressions on the characters is enough for the audience to actively figure out the story that is being told.

Video Game slideshow


Monday, February 14, 2011

Blog assignment 5a

The reason that I think I am drawn to the original picture is the contrasting lines that make up the tiles.  Thats not necessarily what stands out most to me though, but i do think that they are what draw me in.  The thing that stands out to me the most is the corner of the box that appears closest to the audience.  I think the rule of thirds is used here.  The corner looks like it is right at the first intersection.  The use of lines and shapes help to guide the audiences' eye to the second intersection.  The biggest object in the picture is made up of squares, and the edge created by two of the squares makes a line that points directly to the body.  The body is also shown in the background with the use of limited space.  The contrasting lines that make up the tiles really do a lot to create a depth to the picture as well as the contrasting uses of the black and white colors.  Based on all of these aspects of the picture that the artist added to make his audience look where he wanted them to, my subconsciousness makes me feel that this manlike being in the picture has achieved dominance in where ever he is.  I think that the staff and shadow are what do.  This is why I chose to re frame the picture to be more focused on him.

Blog assignment 6b

Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Assignment 4a- Response to "Brainwashed"

Acknowledging the Lizard
     This layer discuses that urge that people sometimes (or often) feel which tells them to avoid being embarrassed, seen messing up, or doing the wrong thing according to someone else standards.  In this layer Seth Godin encourages people to let this feeling go.  It is ok that we mess up a few times here and there, and it is not worth letting someone else bring you down for something that they feel you messed up on, whether that be an assignment or the way you are as a person.  He reminds us that it is important to acknowledge this feeling, but never let it effect us from accomplishing our goals.

    This layer is all about the importance to always be learning no matter what we do, now or in the future.  Seth Explains that without this step, non of the other steps mean anything at all.

    I feel that this layer speaks to me more than the others because I love to learn.  I may not have the best studying habits but I honestly do love to learn.  And I agree 100% that whatever we do in our futures is going to require us to constantly be learning.  My current job that I have when ever I go back home is one that you could never know everything to.  I am an employee at a small specialty seafood market and I do a lot of everything, cutting fish, taking orders, bringing in shippments, calling in orders for shipments, stocking, creating beautiful looking seafood tray's for customers, and putting up over sized Christmas trees that are literally two stories tall.  I am pretty sure that I learn multiple new things everyday that I work there. 

    These two layers link exactly to what we do on this blog.  Acknowledging the Lizard can be translated into acknowledging the fact that everything I post on this blog is viewable to anyone.  People might look at this stuff and think its silly, but I've learned to say fuck it.  First of all its required of me to pass the class so of coarse I need to just do it, and second it's really not that bad.  Which brings me to my next point, I have already learned so many useful things from dealing with this pain in the ass blog.  I did not look forward to doing the first audio blog assignment at all, I thought it was stupid and frustrating because I had to download new stuff to record myself on and sign up to a website so I could post audio.  But I figured it all out and it feels pretty damn rewarding to know all of that stuff. 

Blog Assignment 4b-song reflections

Audio reflection for Beth Carter

Audio reflection for Katie Everett

Blog Assignment 3b-audio reflections

Reflection of Dan Wainio's Soundscape

 Reflection of Vic Sherrick's Soundscape

Blog Assignment 3a

Major Tom- Shiny Toy Guns

       The original song of Major Tom sang by Peter Schilling was actually in German.  It became an instant hit and an English version was made in 1983 by the same artist.  Shiny Toy Guns recently covered the song.  The lyrics between the original English version and the cover are exactly the same.  I do not know about the German version but the song is a story based the fictional astronaut created by David Bowie in the song Space Oddity and then mentioned in two more of his songs, so I imagine that the lyrics stayed the same in translation.  The intensity between the two songs varies a bit in my opinion.  The original version is played softer but the newer version of the song appears to be much louder.  Speed is also a slight but noticeable difference between the two with the recent version being a little faster which often seems the case when a band covers a song from a past decade.  The timbre is probably the most noticeable difference between the two songs.  Peter Schilling's version uses very basic instruments and has a very 80's sound.  But the shiny toy guns version is very electronic using many sounds.
       I find it a little bit harder to apply the binary terms to these two songs but I think I can do a good enough job using a few of them.  First of all I pretty much just discussed the contrast and affinity between the two songs.  The lyrics were similar, but the intensity, speed and timbre appeared different between the two songs.  I think that I can also apply tension and release to the second song.  In the Shiny Toy Guns version of the song, starting at about 3:00 into the song she starts singing the chorus over and over with the music getting more intense each time and at around 3:33 she releases the tension by yelling the last word of the line. 
    As for which song that I like more, I am going to have to say that I like the cover.  This is not very typical for me, especially with a cover that is pretty similar in sound.  I Just really like the electronic sound more than I do the common 80's sound.

music/song project

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog Assignment 1B

Mitch Ditkoff’s 14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas is about 14 techniques that one can use to help them get past the barriers that block us from thinking of these intivative ideas.  Each technique is different than the next, some seem very practical while others are rather abstract but if applied correctly, all of them can be very useful.  The idea behind the entire list seems to be mostly to help people not to strain themselves when trying to come up with new ideas or be creative.  They can apply to adults in the workplace, or students trying to write a paper or do a project.
The list included basic tips that many of us already do but do not realize how much they actually help us to come up with our breakthrough ideas.  They discuss signs that one should pay attention to, immersing yourself in activities that have nothing to do with the project at hand, telling yourself that failure is ok because we learn a great deal from our mistakes.  Some of the suggestions have the reader just take a step back from the task at hand like linking things that already exist to come up with a new breakthrough, making sure that we are actually aware of our question before we start looking for an answer, and even to fantasize in order to come up with ridiculous ideas and then realize that perhaps they are not so ridiculous after all. 
            I would definitely agree that these points are valid.  As I mentioned before, some of these are things that I already do without actually realizing how much they help me to accomplish my goals or come up with my ideas.  The fifth one on the list says to fantasize, I think that this is my favorite suggestion because I do this all of the time.  I will be working on a paper and all of a sudden find myself looking at the ceiling with my mind running wild and flooding with ideas that are sometimes useful.  But this idea of fantasizing applies directly to my major where I am learning to develop video games.  Everything I have learned in the last quarter related to my major has been to expand my mind and think of how to break down barriers so that there is room for new intuitive games and fantasy worlds that create enjoyable experiences for other players.  Fantasizing about things that are not really happening is one of my favorite things to do and it helps me relax. I think that I would go crazy without doing it.  It probably helps to explain the reason that I love video games so much, because it allows me to put visuals to and interact with many fantasy worlds that others have created.
            Immerse is number two on the list and I am a very big fan of this.  I think the idea of giving your employees time during work hours to immerse themselves in things that they find enjoying is brilliant.  It keeps them happy while also keeping their mind occupied with hopefully productive hobbies.  When I think about this I can’t help but bring up video games again and how immersion is one of the things that my teachers emphasis.  Keeping the player immersed and limiting the amount of things that break that connection is key to making a good video game.  The more I learn about the production process of videogames the more I find myself getting immersed in them for more than the entertainment aspect, but also because I am able to look at them in a different light and get inspiration form them.
            Taking a break is the third method that I find very important.  If it was only a list of the methods with no explanation, I don’t think this would be in my top three.  But the description really put into perspective how important it is to take yourself away from the main task so that you can come back to it feeling refreshed.  I always take breaks; I feel that when I focused to hard on something for too long, my production values go down fast.  When I take breaks and do something to take my mind away for a bit I come back to my project feeling very refreshed and have new ideas to add.
            The prompt that I decided to do is the fifth one under fantasy.  It requires me to think of a challenge and fantasize about a solution.  The challenge that I am currently working on is for my game development class where I am the lead engineer on a team that is creating a video game over the next six months.  This is very new for the entire team and we know very little at this point, and it does not help that we have only been able to have two class periods because of the weather.  As the lead engineer, I am in charge of the bulk of the programming.  I love to fantasize about me sitting at the computer cranking out lines of code because I actually know how while the rest of my team is working on their own jobs, and when they help me get some of the programming done, I am able to help them with any questions they have.  I feel that this image really motivates me do the extra reading that my professor gave me in order to get a head start and really understand programming and get a good footing for the future.

Blog Assignment 1A

It is hard to really discuss the kind of creative person I am because it is hard for me to categorize creativity.  I have always been a hands on learner and have been a relatively good writer.  But at this point in my college career my efforts will have to switch to being computer savvy because I have recently started to study game design.  I really enjoy it but it is very new to me.  I have been playing and researching video games for a very long time and know the exact type of games I would like to make.  I can honestly say that every game the company Bioware has made except for one is my type of game.  Everything that they do is heavily based on interactive and in depth stories with game play that requires a lot of thinking and strategy.  But as I have been learning since the beginning of last quarter, creating a game is not possible with anything less than an entire team of people.  So I feel that it is safe to say that the entire Bioware team influences me. 
            What Bioware always does best is creating tension and release for the player in multiple forms.  The easiest example to use in explaining this would be a boss fight at the end of a level or dungeon.  In the game Dragon Age: Origins, Bioware focuses a lot on strategic combat that is very intense and often frustrating if you do not approach each situation in the right manner.  To really test the player’s skills, they make the boss fights very extreme against opponents that are much larger than each of your characters.  During them, your characters are constantly getting knocked down at which point they are useless until they get back up, and there health is drained at a rate that seems way to fast.  Tense boss fights are an understatement in this game but the sense of accomplishment and release are well worth it when you have won. 
            In all of Biowares recent games, stories within the games have been taken to the next level.  Their use of text and subtext to bring the character through the game is brilliant.  Since their games are so heavily piled with dialogue conversations that the player actively has to involve themselves in in order to make it through the games.  This makes plenty of room for situational irony and misdirection.  Bioware tries to make their worlds as believable as possible so there are those in the game that will lie to you and try to deceive by telling you false things.  Dramatic irony plays a very large role as well.  There are cut scenes throughout Bioware’s games that show the conversations and intentions of the antagonist that none of the protagonists will know about until often the very end of the game.
            In many video games but especially in Bioware games, the player must do a lot of listening, reading and navigating through heads up displays (HUDs) and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) if they truly want to experience everything that the game has to offer.  Active and didactic transfer of information to the player is very carefully put into to each game.  Most of the time the characters in the game will just tell you what you are supposed to do next in the game or the player might read a sign that has quests on it that explain everything the player needs to know, it usually is clearly labeled in a very didactic fashion.  But there are also plenty of situations where the player must use logic and carefully put together clues and hints that are found or observed during in game conversations.  This requires the player to actively seek out the answers using their own out of game logic, which is desired and preferred by many gamers like me.